Have you ever found yourself wondering why you aren’t as far along in life by now? Or maybe you’ve been guilty of wondering why you can’t lose weight fast enough? If that’s not you, maybe you’ve wasted a few moments of your life wondering why you can’t land a date and you’re pushing 30 (or even 40). Ever end up asking yourself, “What’s wrong with me?” or “What am I doing wrong, here?”? Either way, ALL of the above are all killing your purpose for one reason.
If you won’t admit it, I definitely will. I’m guilty. Yep, I’m guilty of the one thing that has been stunting my growth and killing my purpose for far too long: comparison.
Here’s the truth: Comparison kills. Point. Blank. Period.
As women, I think we’ve all been guilty of this one time or another. Sometimes you don’t really recognize it because it’s subtle. You look at another girl on the beach and you’re like “Wow, her body looks great!”, and then you start thinking, “If only I could lose these last 20 pounds, I’d feel way better about myself”.
Or maybe you’re sitting behind a girl at church and you see her hair is poppin’. You look at her and even compliment her on her beauty, but your mind starts to become self-conscious about the fact that your tracks never seem to lay quite right. Yeah, I said it. Or maybe seeing her hair has you thinking you should switch from a twist out to a sew-in because it might be easier to land a date that way. Ha!
Or maybe there’s this one girl who keeps launching businesses that seem so dope and everyone wants to support her. Every time you see her, you just smile and support, even though deep down inside you’re starting to think that you don’t have what it takes to make it to the top. Maybe your idea isn’t that great, after all.
At this point, I’m sure you can see that the more time you spend comparing yourself and your journey to other peoples’, the more stagnant you’ll actually become. You might even end up sad and depressed looking at what others are doing.
The effects of comparison are deadly.
The effects of comparison are deadly to your purpose, and the only one suffering is you.
Comparison leads to jealousy. It also leads to bitterness. Comparison ultimately becomes a distraction and a hindrance to fulfilling your destiny.
How can a jealous, bitter, stagnant, distracted woman live out purpose? She can’t. She’ll fail. Don’t let that be you.
Moral of the story: Don’t compare.
Don’t compare yourself, your journey, your body, your features, your relationship status, your timeline, your hair, your nails, your car, your job, your kids, your lifestyle (etc.) to anyone else. Why? They’re not you.
God’s plan for your life is FOR YOU. And guess what? It’s perfectly tailored to you. He created you just the way He created you for a reason. God intricately designed you just the way you are so that you could fulfill the purpose He created you for. (Jeremiah 1:5) And remember, the Bible tells us “we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” (Ephesians 2:10 NLT)
Now, when you look at it that way, you realize the only thing you need to worry about is becoming your best self for the people that you’re called to!
Spend some time thinking about your life and write down all the things you are grateful for. Write a list of goals, and spend time focusing on you and remembering to STAY IN YOUR OWN LANE.
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