2018 IS HERE, GIRL! Like most people, you are probably recovering from the holidays and getting in gear for all that lies ahead for the year. Some are still vision boarding while others are putting the vision to work. Before we get deep into 2018, let me share 3 things you should consider to help you “get your life” and walk out of 2018 clutter free and organized.
1) Purge Your Space
Friend, it’s time to declutter that closet. I know we all love shoes, but do really you need 10 pairs of black heels? Do you wear them all? If you do, there are still probably a few that you can give away. It won’t hurt you and will bless someone else.
Resale is a great option for all of those clothes and shoes that are cluttering your closet. Garage sales are tried and true. Consignment shops are fabulous and often overlooked. Apps like Let Go and 5 Miles are where consignment, garage sales, and technology collide. They allow you to list your items and customers to browse them from the convenience of a phone. If you prefer to donate, there are plenty of women’s homes and donation centers that will take them. Getting rid of the old will make room for the new 2018 has to offer.
2) Purge Your Inbox
Now, it’s time to purge that email inbox, my friend. 500 unchecked emails is a bit much and your important emails can get lost in the shuffle. Check that junk mailbox as well because sometimes important mail ends up there. It may be hard, but you might want to consider unsubscribing to campaigns that you do not read, stores where you do not shop, or content that does not apply to you. Set aside some time to review and reflect on what information is necessary for you and what is not. It may not be a bad idea to purge this once a week or once a month just to stay on top of things.
3) Purge Your Soul & Spirit
Listen up! This is probably the most important. Entering and beginning anything new with the right head space and heart space is a must. How did 2017 treat you? Look at every area of your life-mindset, health, soul, spirit, business, relationships, faith, and finances. What worked? What did not work? What needs to change? Reflection can be followed by fasting and prayer. Seek God for what you should fast from whether it’s food, social media, TV, or even certain people. As you fast, intentionally set aside time to go before God in prayer and humility. Ask Him to help you with what hasn’t been working and what you need to do differently. Get ready to act on what He tells you and expect Him to move on your behalf.
Bonus: Implement Simple & Sacred Systems
After you have purged those areas of your life, it’s time to get some systems and habits in place. Routines and processes are powerful and help you stay on track. What are your routines? What have you put in place to help you manage all the pieces of your life?
Consider finding or enhancing a routine that will help you reach your 2018 goals. Implement it within the next 48 hours. This is as simple as starting your day off with prayer and worship for 30 minutes or setting aside specific blocks of time to check email and social media. Assess the effectiveness of what you implemented for 7 days. Do you have more clarity? Did it save you time? Tweak your routine as needed. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” If it’s working, keep doing what works! You don’t have to go into the new year frazzled or overwhelmed. Purge, reflect, adjust, and get organized with those systems in place. Great things await you!
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