"For the LORD God is a sun and shield; The LORD gives grace and glory; No good thing does He withheld from those who walk uprightly." (Psalms 84:11) I was cleaning up around the house the other day. While cleaning, I just started thinking about God and His faithfulness that He has towards me and His people in general. I thought of how even on my best day, He has been more loyal to me than I have been to myself. No matter how much I say I love myself, His love always trumps that. Some time ... View the Post
Learn to Be Still
"Be still and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10) This is one of those scriptures that sticks out to me. I had to gain an understanding of it and what it means in prayer time with God. It's vital to be still in the presence of God and allow Him to speak to you. I had to work on being still in the presence of God and wait until he responded back. There are times when the Lord encourages me right in the moment of stillness. Whenever I'm sad, angry or allow my feelings to get the best of me, He is ... View the Post
Unleashing the Power of Real Faith
When we come into the Kingdom of God through our faith in Jesus Christ, one requirement is necessary - we must LIVE by Faith! "But the just shall live by faith…" (Hebrew 10:37). Once we become reconciled to God through Christ, it literally becomes impossible to please God any further than a life of continual dependency on Him (Hebrew 11:6; John 15:5). Sounds really simple, right? If our faith in Christ put us in right-standing with God, it's only logical that we should continue living out ... View the Post
“But It’s So Hard To Forgive!”: Redirecting Your Focus to Forgive
“But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.” Matthew 5:39 (NIV) Forgiveness. It's one of the main calls of action as a Christian. Jesus forgave us of all of our sins by dying on the cross. Because of this, we know it's an essential part of our journey in striving to be Christ-like. But let's be honest, forgiveness is one of the hardest things in the world to do. Maybe you are struggling to forgive because you are ... View the Post
“I Changed My Mind!” 5 Steps to Consider When Changing Your Career
So you've decided that the job or career you're in just isn't what you had in mind for your life. You've grown dispassionate about your projects and tasks. Quite frankly, you want out. Perhaps you just want different. You love your career, but the path you're on seems to be leading you away from fulfillment and maintaining a well-balanced life. Well, join the club! You aren't alone and you certainly aren't crazy for wanting to align your career with your values, passions, and purpose. I've gone ... View the Post
Bible With Bae: Keeping God at the Center of Courtship
When you think about what you want the foundation of your relationship to be, what comes to mind? Trust? Honesty? Fun? We all have different things that we deem important to the foundation of a great relationship. For me, faith is the foundation I look for in my relationships. In my mind, an amazing guy was going to come along one day, we would share the same faith and God would be at the center of the relationship. So the guy came along (Check), we shared the same faith (Check), but then he ... View the Post