Entrepreneurs that are of faith are not uncommon. Some are bold in their declaration and others are not as obvious in sharing their faith. However, social media has given all of us the opportunity for global influence right at our fingertips. And as an entrepreneur of faith, you have a responsibility to share your light in a world that so desperately needs a way out of their darkness. The need for us to utilize our businesses as a lighthouse spans from impacting souls that are in darkness to ... View the Post
The Power of God-Inspired Vision
What is the vision God has given you to be carried out in the earth? It's a very layered question that in these few moments we'll uncover. Vision can be simply defined as seeing what is to come. The unfortunate case for most people is that they are filled with desires but not vision. A desire is not the same thing as vision. How many times have you attached yourself to something that had no connection to your future? If we can break it down into simpler terms, it would go like this: ... View the Post
Want to Radically Improve Your Prayer Life? Do This One Thing
I'm sure that as a Christian woman you can agree with me that prayer is essential for a purpose-filled life. However, prayer might be different for each of us. While the Bible does give us examples of ways to pray (Matthew 6:9-13), sometimes you can get so caught up in having mundane, simple, routine prayers that your time with God isn't as effective as it could be. Praying ineffective prayers might mean that you are missing out on aspects of what God desires to give you in relationship with ... View the Post
How to Focus in the Midst of Distractions (Part 3): Having a Steadfast Posture with God…
Learning to focus is key to your success! There are SO many distractions that can interfere with your focus, but it's your job to make sure you stay on track. I've developed a 3-fold system to overcoming distractions that I believe will truly help you focus despite everything going on in your life. Today, we'll focus on making sure your relationship with God is in tact! Here’s the 3-fold system to overcoming distractions: You must become more emotionally stable. Discipline your ... View the Post
Why Your Distinction is Power
You are not like anyone else, and that gives you power! This statement is no cliché , nor an arrogant assumption. This truth should live vibrantly within your heart as your confidence in a world that desires to mold and shape you into a clone of its superficial ideals and philosophies of what your life should be about. Let's go on a journey as I reveal to you the power of knowing your distinction (knowing who you really are) – therein lies your true power and what makes you valuable to ... View the Post
From Faith to Faith: 10 Bible Verses Every Girl Needs to Know About Faith
Faith is a necessity to live a life that's pleasing to God. In order to go after your purpose, faith is required! When it comes to your life's purpose, you've got to have faith so that you can do the amazing things God planned for you to do. Whenever you need a little extra inspiration and a little more faith, remember these 10 things about faith... 10 Bible Verses about Faith Faith requires confidence. Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not ... View the Post