Developing Strategic Alliances in business allows you to expand your network gaining exposure to people that you may not have encountered otherwise. They are individuals with your network that assist in bringing you a regular supply of potential customers. There are certain women I follow on social media and I was always intrigued by how they show up for one another, support one another, and use each other's services for events. They are not catty. They are women in Christ fulfilling their ... View the Post
The Value of Self-Care for the Female Boss
As a female boss who dominates our sectors and industries, when do we stop and hit the reset and re-calibrate button on our lives? Many of us know how to turn up, but do we equally know how to wind-down and unplug when needed? If we don’t have these moments how does this impede our impact? Taking a break from your boss life to treat yourself to a relaxing vacation where you and other female bosses can celebrate, collaborate, slay and socialize while drinking wine by the ... View the Post
The Power of Collaboration
When building a brand it is essential that you don’t build it as a one-man island. Collaboration is defined as the process of two or more people or organizations working together to complete a task or achieve a goal. Collaborations are inspirational, educational and essential to building relationships. In the age of technology, it is so easy to get caught up in the need to compete or tear someone down, but it is inspiring to see women coming together for a cause bigger than themselves. It is ... View the Post
Who Is Supposed To Support Me?
The day you told your family and friends about your business, you likely thought they would come running to support you. For me, that didn’t happen. I published my first book in 2010 and I thought I was going to sell out of every copy because all of my family and friends would buy a copy. I was completely wrong! For years I couldn’t understand why some supported me, but others didn’t. I had more support from strangers than I had from my own family. What was I doing wrong? Should I ... View the Post
Evolving Through Elimination
“Evolving Involves Eliminating” – Erykah Badu In the past few years, I have eliminated a lot of relationships in my life. I am proud of myself for doing so. I once feared I could not survive without certain people, but now find myself thriving after letting them go. I used to be a much simpler person desperate for attention. Though fairly easy to come by and sometimes plentiful, attention is fleeting and shallow. Attention alone cannot sustain the deeper connection that healthy ... View the Post
The Four Friends You Need In Your Power Circle
As women, I think we have forgotten the power of having amazing friends in your corner. In a world where independent living, making it on your own and “no new friends” has reigned supreme, we underestimate the true meaning of authentic friendships. I use to be one of those women who said “I don’t have a lot of female friends.”, and it was true. Many of my friends were guys (platonic) and my reasoning for few girlfriends either had to do with girls being too thirsty, too drama filled or too ... View the Post
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