Developing Strategic Alliances in business allows you to expand your network gaining exposure to people that you may not have encountered otherwise. They are individuals with your network that assist in bringing you a regular supply of potential customers. There are certain women I follow on social media and I was always intrigued by how they show up for one another, support one another, and use each other’s services for events. They are not catty. They are women in Christ fulfilling their individual God-given assignments collectively. They all have different paths but the stories and messages are the same-to assist one another in moving the Kingdom of God forward. The focus should be a commitment of each person involved when developing strategic alliances.
In Dr. Kimberly Ellison’s book, Kingdom BOSS Chick Blueprint, she writes about creating strategic alliances. Prior to reading Dr. Ellison book, I knew I had people in my corner rooting for me and cheering me on as I worked to bring to fruition what God had called me to do. I sought to find people whom I could connect with and people who were in the industry. I searched for a community in multiple social media profiles and groups. I introduced myself and connected with women who I now affectionately call “Purpose Pushers”. We all had a heart for God and were authentic in our walk with Christ. We posted each other’s content, contributed to one another’s groups and provided insight based on our background. It was not and is not about competition, but collaborating in building the kingdom of God together.
After reading Dr. Ellison’s book, I realized that I had some more work to do. I had the capacity to expand my strategic alliances. The ADDIE Model is an instructional training mainly focused on continuous improvement. In the book, Dr. Ellison re-purposes the ADDIE training and development model which gave me a framework to develop business alliances without falling into a scarcity mindset.
In the past, I have become a part of projects that did not ultimately align with the vision that God has called me to bring forth. Now I pray to make sure an alliance is aligned. “If God ain’t in it, I am not with it.” I assess my internal and external well-being to make sure my intentions are pure and in alignment with what God have called me to be.
In this stage, Dr. Ellison advised that I identify and select proper partners for the desired outcome. I built a network prior to starting my business and there were plenty of women whom I desired to work with. However, I wanted to come and approach these women correctly. I had to take
time to identify what was the desired outcome that would benefit us both.
I connected with those women and found ways to support that would be beneficial for both of us. There was a woman I wanted to work with, but at first, I really did not know how. I discovered that she had a conference she was in need of vendors for. I stepped up to become a vendor and also referred others to her. In exchange, I received the brand exposure I needed and the unexpected discount my pockets needed.
There are times when I sought strategic alliances that never made it past the development stage. I am thankful for those moments. The times that I am most proud of are the times that the strategic relationship did make it to the stage of implementation because development stages are meant to
test agreements and vision. This is also the level that shows your commitment to the alliance.
After the implementation stage, you are to evaluate if the alliance is worth
continuing. I have had instances where I realized that my serving in certain capacities was not beneficial to me or my business.
Through reading Kingdom BOSS Chick Blueprint, I am more equipped to make better decisions in choosing strategic alliances. Take some time to evaluate your strategic alliances using the ADDIE method as I did and some great revelations will come alive. Cheers to more effective strategic alliances!
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