Let’s face it, it is easier for us to come up with a million excuses for why things are the way that they are. It’s not the right time to start a business, the kids are too young, and they need the financial stability a job can provide, or my favorite, one that I must admit to using quite frequently in the past.
I’ll start a business next week, next month, tomorrow.
The list of excuses grow, procrastination sets in and nothing ever gets done. As human beings, it is so easy to fall into excuses and bad habits especially when our self-belief is at an all-time low and our fear of past failures haunt us.
We need to create a network of support and become a support to others too. Every book I have ever read is infused with how success came through learning from someone else. Great success comes through knowing when to ask for help and if we are honest, having some epic failures doesn’t always hurt if we learn from them. Don’t waste time and opportunity by being afraid or by procrastinating.
I have learned that through prayer and having a strong purpose and vision of where I want my life to be, procrastination has become a thing of the past.
That doesn’t mean that things are roses every day. What it does mean is that when things get hectic or when difficulties arise, I have the right tools and strategies to see me through, strategies that come through faith, prayer and a strong sense of purpose.
So here is the take home. Before you decide to start a business pray, know your purpose, and have a goal or vision of where you want to be.
Understand that you are going to have times of struggles and equip yourself through faith and personal development to carry you all the way through and then you will be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
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