Can you connect with the title of this blog? If you’re anything like me and have the desire to start a brand, then you’ve asked yourself that question more than once. “I want to launch a brand – now what?”
Launching a brand or business is very common in this day and age. Everyone has a personal message. I’m a firm believer that we all have something special inside of us to offer the world. So you’ve made the decision to launch a brand, but you don’t know what to do next. Come with me as I give you a brief look into my life.
Just like you, I had a burning desire to launch a business. I knew what I wanted to do, but then again-I didn’t. Many ideas came to mind, and while they were suitable, nothing jumped out at me. I was careful to jot ideas down, as I was sure I would use them in some capacity in the future. After prayer and deliberation I’d finalized a target audience and purpose. My target audience is women who have overcome suicide. Even though I’d established two pertinent factors, I still had to dig deeper.
The task of naming my business remained on my to-do list. I was back at square one, in a sense. Deciding on a name required the same energy as narrowing down an audience and purpose. I found myself back in prayer and deliberation. Again, several names came to mind, but nothing stuck. I was sure on wanting the connotation of ‘a cry for help’ to be included in the name (hence the idea to use #SOS, but that was as far as I’d gotten). Coming up with a name was becoming arduous. I prayed once again, and gave the process a rest, and that’s when GOD pulled it all together. I instantly fell in love with this name.
#SOS She Overcame Suicide, LLC
Whew…Okay!!! Enough about me…Back to you.
It’s time for you to find your brand name. Close your eyes for a moment. Are they closed? Think about your life. What have you experienced-good or bad? Now, let that be your message to the world. Everyone is waiting!
Peace & Blessings!
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