Hey Beautiful,
You’ve gained a little weight. So what? Weight gain is natural and it is a common function of the body, especially the woman’s body. I could tell you “Girl, just go to the gym,” but I am not! I understand your struggle, trust me. I have literally gained 30 lbs since moving back home to Chicago from Los Angeles. I was thinking, ”What in the world GOD, really?” Then I just changed my mindset about how I viewed my weight gain. Here are 5 tips to adjust to the fact that you have gained a little weight.
1. Own It
Yes, I said it. Be honest with yourself about the changes to your physical body. The more in denial you are about it, the more unhappy you will be. You don’t want to beat yourself up about your clothes not fitting. Just politely toss them in a bin or suitcase and tell yourself “I am coming back for you.” Stop comparing your body to your high school body. Girl, you are grown and that was a child’s body. You are grown and have grown lady curves so embrace it, honey!
2. Make A Plan
Making a plan can be uplifting in a time like this. You should consider what other areas of your body you would like to work on. Or you can focus on a goal that does not pertain to the body. Let me tell you what I mean by this. Okay, so not only did I gain weight, but my face was breaking out and I wanted my hair to grow longer, thicker and fuller. So I told myself to become disciplined in these areas. I also commanded my hair to grow in prayer every time when I wanted to complain about it. Working out takes discipline, so I’d rather start there. I changed my focus to something more exciting and something that I would be happy about seeing a difference in. I wanted to challenge myself to become routined and work at something for at least 30 days. Surprisingly, it worked! My hair is much longer, healthier and fuller and my face is much clearer. My face could also be better if I ate a little healthier. I also stopped wearing makeup every day to evaluate the change in my face.
3. Drink More Water
The first thing that everyone suggests when you are trying to lose weight is to drink water. I actually don’t like water unless I am physically HOT (Lol), but water helps regulate your body and keeps it from becoming dehydrated. Water is just great for the body!
4. Start Somewhere
I began to workout with a group of women. I was going strong, but then I stopped. Lack of motivation and workout clothes were my excuses. Mind you, I have an athletic background, (track & field, volleyball, dancing) but this didn’t make my workout journey easier. I just continued to tell myself do something-get up and move around a little more. That is what I did. Find something you don’t mind doing and use that as your “movement motivation.”
5. Buy Black Clothes
Yes, I just said that. Black is so chic and sexy.would never would have known that before gaining weight. I went and bought some black leggings and stretchy pants and called it a day. I felt better in my new clothes and confident. Adjust to the new you at each season of your life. Whether fluffy, thick or skinny-OWN YOU! I am a woman of faith. I believe in talking to the Lord and asking him to love on me during my insecure moments. I asked him for confidence and motivation to change my areas of growth. That’s all you can do at this point, mama! If you want to get a gym membership or trainer, go for it! If you fall off, get back up-it’s okay! God bless you for adapting to the changed you!
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