In a time where our culture pushes the ideal of inclusivity you may believe that your services need to directly impact everyone. This belief may cause anxiety leading to analysis paralysis or loss of excitement for your business. Perhaps you have been concerned about being considered narrow-minded or limited in targeting your audience. As a result, your heart can become the playground of a tumultuous game of tug of war between pursuing the clientele you want and trying to serve everyone. Fear not sis, I believe God has a Word to help you stay authentic to your purpose while still having a strong impact.
Consider this-There is Power in the Narrow Way
In Matthew 7: 13-14 we find our beloved Christ offering His Sermon on the Mount to his disciples. For three chapters, He teaches them the ways of a life in God and in this specific scripture. He says, “Enter through the narrow gate; For the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Let it be understood that here, our beloved Savior is not talking about your business, but more importantly your life. He is stating that true life is found in being lead by God’s Word alone rather than the pull of varying concepts, beliefs, perspectives and ways of the world.
Take note of how the way to life is described. It is narrow and small. It does not need anything but God as the head and the traveler being focused on. His leading, direction, desires and intentions. It may not have as many fellow travelers as the broader road, but it is intimate. In that intimacy is everything you need-your source, protection and true love. It has boundaries and yet, true freedom. The way may be narrow, but a life with Christ is nothing less than what is great and best. If by faith, this is the life you chose, then please consider that similar to how God specifically called you, He may have a specific people He is calling you to.
Consider this- Be Unapologetically Devoted to Your Clientele
Paul, was a Jewish man who zealously persecuted the early church with threats and even murder. By God’s grace, Christ came to him and he accepted the gospel. After He converted, Paul was called preach to the Gentiles who had a number of varying belief systems and practices. Paul states that he does not consult family or seek the approval of the apostles, but he solely consults God’s instructions (Galatians 1:13-16). He had a calling, a fixed group of people or clientele he had to pursue in his devotion to God. Paul unapologetically pursued the demographic he was called to serve because he was affirmed by God. Spreading the gospel to the Gentiles was Paul’s business, nothing more and certainly nothing less. Was his demographic narrow? Yes and Paul was often with only a few people or even alone in his travels. However, Paul’s influence upon the church is unmatched after Christ. Paul’s epistles (letters) are 13 out of the 27 books in the New Testament and his teachings have been vital to the understanding of Christian theology and practices for generations and throughout the world!
Consider This-God’s Impact is Everlasting
What does this all mean? It means In living by the narrow way in his devotion to God, Paul was blessed to be limited to a particular demographic so that he could be free to delve more deeply into his impact. Our businesses may be called to a particular clientele, but this doesn’t mean that we are limited in our impact. Paul did not speak to all Christians directly, but his evangelism has had a life-altering impact on millions of Christians for almost 2000 years!
Sis, hear God’s call and be devoted to your clientele. Your devotion to God matched with His purpose may have an impact that extends generationally. For if we are vessels of Christ, who knows how far our water of His goodness will extend. Remember, there is power in the narrow way. Go forth in His calling unapologetically, trusting that His work in you is everlasting.

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