It is very much true, you have to learn to see yourself the way God does.
I’ll be honest, it can be difficult knowing that an almighty God sees you as beautiful, even when you feel broken, depressed, and discouraged. Sometimes you may feel like you’re not pretty enough, but in the eyesight of God you’re beautiful. Why? In Genesis 1:27, the Bible says you were “created and formed in the image of God and his likeness”. Males and females. Isn’t that amazing? Knowing God formed you in his image.
I struggled with this so much. I used to always think less of myself. Lets be honest, I just didn’t feel good about myself. In high school I was teased about my nose. On the outside, it may have seemed like it didn’t affect me, but on the inside I wanted someone to tell me how pretty I was.
I NO longer have to walk with my head down, when I have a Father in Heaven who tells me, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14). I NO longer have to feel bad about myself because my God said I was created in His image and everything He created is good (1 Timothy 4:4).
If you don’t see yourself the way God sees you, and if you’re looking for people to compliment you all the time, you’re going to constantly see yourself in a negative way. Wake up in the morning and look in the mirror, and speak positively about YOU. Speak the Word of God over your life, and meditate on scriptures.
For so long, I was looking for people to make me feel good about myself, but when Jesus found me, He spoke life into me, He gave me hope and He gave me confidence. I encourage you to see yourself through the eyes of God, and not people.
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