Hey Beautiful, You’ve gained a little weight. So what? Weight gain is natural and it is a common function of the body, especially the woman's body. I could tell you “Girl, just go to the gym,” but I am not! I understand your struggle, trust me. I have literally gained 30 lbs since moving back home to Chicago from Los Angeles. I was thinking, ”What in the world GOD, really?” Then I just changed my mindset about how I viewed my weight gain. Here are 5 tips to adjust to the fact that you have ... View the Post
Stay True to Your Beauty Beyond the Makeup
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; My soul knows it very well. - PSALMS 139:14 Hey Girl! You, yes YOU! Yes, I am talking to you, the one reading this. You are beautiful! No matter your race, color or creed. Plus you, especially you, your SKIN is beautiful. Sometimes as women we can get so caught up in the way we look after we have applied layers of makeup. We think that “she” is the pretty one. She is the one that gets the attention, the one ... View the Post