I enjoy writing, but I don’t enjoy sharing my think pieces publicly. I get so nervous every time someone reads my writing. You may not believe me since I’m sharing this, but it’s true. I write about my thoughts, experiences, and fears, which is makes me extremely vulnerable. There is a quote that motivated me to publicly share with you all. “The fruit of everything good in life begins with a challenge” As intimidating as it is, the reason I can share my writing is because it contributes to my ... View the Post

Entrepreneurship· Faith· Lifestyle· Purpose
Be Still and Trust God
Hi, my name is Laketa and I'm a control freak! When I’m unsure of my next steps I become frustrated and extremely anxious. I always need a plan, strategy, and direction. Can you relate? If you answered yes then I pray what you’re about to read helps you! Not knowing what moves to make or which way to go is uncomfortable and terrifying. I’ve always set goals and achieved them, but how can I do that when I don’t know what I want next? I reached out to my pastor recently about how to know the ... View the Post