Let’s be honest. We’ve all been there. We see a portrayal of success on social media and we question our own lives. We hear good news about an old acquaintance and we begin to feel bad about ourselves. We feel like it should’ve been us. You wish it were you instead. How can you genuinely be happy watching someone else get what you’re still waiting on? The secret to being happy for others instead of jealous is to be encouraged that what God has for you is for you. You were created in His image ... View the Post
“What’s wrong with wanting to be liked?” Purpose over Popularity
On the topic of popularity, I once heard someone ask “Well what’s wrong with wanting to be liked?” It can be regarded as quite a pathetic question, but it is undeniably a common one. In coming-of-age times, the new millennium encourages you to be yourself and not care what others think. It’s the perfect advice, but just a wee bit unrealistic if we take it literally. We live in this world with over 7 billion other people so if not family or friends, we’re forced to interact with coworkers or even ... View the Post