When you think about what you want the foundation of your relationship to be, what comes to mind? Trust? Honesty? Fun? We all have different things that we deem important to the foundation of a great relationship. For me, faith is the foundation I look for in my relationships. In my mind, an amazing guy was going to come along one day, we would share the same faith and God would be at the center of the relationship. So the guy came along (Check), we shared the same faith (Check), but then he ... View the Post
7 Steps to Love Yourself & Walk in Your God-Given Purpose
Loving yourself might just be the single most important component to your success. Why? It's because it affects how you view the world, how you view other people, and what you think about what you can achieve. The more you love yourself, the more you're able to truly walk in purpose. As a Christian woman, learning to love myself was an interesting experience because I thought I already loved myself. God began to take me on a journey to self-love, and it all started with Him. As a part of ... View the Post