The day you told your family and friends about your business, you likely thought they would come running to support you. For me, that didn’t happen. I published my first book in 2010 and I thought I was going to sell out of every copy because all of my family and friends would buy a copy. I was completely wrong! For years I couldn’t understand why some supported me, but others didn’t. I had more support from strangers than I had from my own family. What was I doing wrong? Should I ... View the Post
“What’s wrong with wanting to be liked?” Purpose over Popularity
On the topic of popularity, I once heard someone ask “Well what’s wrong with wanting to be liked?” It can be regarded as quite a pathetic question, but it is undeniably a common one. In coming-of-age times, the new millennium encourages you to be yourself and not care what others think. It’s the perfect advice, but just a wee bit unrealistic if we take it literally. We live in this world with over 7 billion other people so if not family or friends, we’re forced to interact with coworkers or even ... View the Post
Find Your Why
I enjoy writing, but I don’t enjoy sharing my think pieces publicly. I get so nervous every time someone reads my writing. You may not believe me since I’m sharing this, but it’s true. I write about my thoughts, experiences, and fears, which is makes me extremely vulnerable. There is a quote that motivated me to publicly share with you all. “The fruit of everything good in life begins with a challenge” As intimidating as it is, the reason I can share my writing is because it contributes to my ... View the Post
My Friend’s Giant: Part 2
In Part I, I told you about my best friend whom I love dearly. She has grown into such an incredible woman. She’s truly someone that I have come to admire, yet she has a weakness in her soul that keeps bringing her down. I discovered this weakness is actually a giant that bullies her around in her mind causing her to become oblivious to just how far she has come and all that God has given to her as a reward. The name of her giant is comparison. I hate watching my friend struggle so ... View the Post
5 Ways to Implement Spirituality in Your Business
Entrepreneurs that are of faith are not uncommon. Some are bold in their declaration and others are not as obvious in sharing their faith. However, social media has given all of us the opportunity for global influence right at our fingertips. And as an entrepreneur of faith, you have a responsibility to share your light in a world that so desperately needs a way out of their darkness. The need for us to utilize our businesses as a lighthouse spans from impacting souls that are in darkness to ... View the Post