You are not like anyone else, and that gives you power! This statement is no cliché , nor an arrogant assumption. This truth should live vibrantly within your heart as your confidence in a world that desires to mold and shape you into a clone of its superficial ideals and philosophies of what your life should be about. Let's go on a journey as I reveal to you the power of knowing your distinction (knowing who you really are) – therein lies your true power and what makes you valuable to ... View the Post
Why You’re More than Just Your Titles
“A woman’s heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man has to seek Him just to find her.” A famous quote that I have grown to believe has challenged women to find themselves hidden in Christ. When we take away our titles that society has defined us to be; an entrepreneur, mother, wife, graduate student, we can start to view ourselves the way our Creator originally intended us to be. Today I challenge you to find yourself hidden in Him. When I was younger, I remember standing in front of ... View the Post