When we come into the Kingdom of God through our faith in Jesus Christ, one requirement is necessary – we must LIVE by Faith! “But the just shall live by faith…” (Hebrew 10:37).
Once we become reconciled to God through Christ, it literally becomes impossible to please God any further than a life of continual dependency on Him (Hebrew 11:6; John 15:5).
Sounds really simple, right? If our faith in Christ put us in right-standing with God, it’s only logical that we should continue living out every day in complete hope and reliance on Him, right? But if you’ve been walking with God for some time now, you already know that this requirement called FAITH is not as easy as it sounds.
Growing your faith is a process…
Over time our faith grows as we learn just how trustworthy God truly is. When we engage in our relationship with God and experience more of His faithfulness and love towards us, deeper trust and faith is automatically built up to new heights. (This takes time).
Just like in any relationship, faith or trust must be tested in order to grow. During the testing seasons, we learn to either yield even more of our trust to the other person or not. In the case of building trust with God, He is already two steps ahead of this process. Since He desires nothing less than all of our hearts, He walks us into testing and trials in order to test His own faithfulness to us. How amazing is that?
He proves to us that He is, undoubtedly, worthy of all of our hearts and trust because He gives us reasons to trust Him a little more each day.
Honestly, this should make us look at our trials and circumstances a whole lot differently. If we understand that God is after two things: all our hearts and our trust, then we also should understand that He is deliberately using every trial and dilemma we face as an opportunity to build real faith in us.
We should be overjoyed in the face of trials.
Trials and setbacks are a clear sign that we are in a vibrant and thriving relationship with God…
James said it best, “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; knowing that the trying of your faith worketh patience (James 1: 2-3).
So the next time you face a circumstance that is out of your control, just look up and know that you and God have a serious relationship going on and He just wants more of your heart and more of your trust and He is not afraid to put His own faithfulness to the test in order to win you over.
With God at our side proving His love, what can we not overcome? Living life in fearless dependency on Him, is real faith.
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