We so easily say that you need to walk the talk or practice what you preach. These are all noble and ambitious ideals to strive towards. However, what if that is your biggest challenge – growing your business while still setting a Godly example, still following His principles and His Word? That is afterall practicing what we are preaching right?
Society today approves of almost everything that goes against the Word, so then the question remains – How do you remain steadfast and still grow? The easy and short answer is – keeping the faith.
I believe that as Christian female entrepreneurs/business owners/women of impact, we are here to set that Godly example and to stand firm in it. The Word of God says that the greatest command is to love one another like you love yourself. This literally means we cheer each other on, we build each other up instead of bickering, gossiping, spreading lies.
So how do we walk the talk?
By striving to be a Proverbs 31 woman, in our homes, in church, in business. The woman in Proverbs 31, she isn’t just an ‘at home idea’ or an ‘just at work idea’, she is an everyday, everywhere example.
She can be trusted – can you? She enriches the lives of her husband (others) Do you? She works with joy, at home, at her business, doing it all with excellence. Do you work with joy in all areas of your life? She is energetic and strong, a hard worker. Can you relate to these qualities? She is profitable in what she does, she works late into the night – Do you? Can you burn the midnight oil with joy? She helps the poor – Do you help others?
Proverbs 31:25 “She is clothed with strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future” What a beautiful picture this is.
Will you fall short to that example, yes, we are human, we sin, we make mistakes but we learn and we grow.
You always have the choice in business whether to do the right godly thing or to submit to what the world approves. The best way to grow your business and stay true to who God says you are is to strive towards becoming a Proverbs 31 woman. Living by a Godly example and with joy unspeakable because of who He says you are.
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