“Girl, I have some tea.” “Oh, what a minute, let me get ready to hear this.” “Well, they said that she said it was over! She was done.” “She said what?!?” “That’s right.” How often have you seen this on television or heard it over the phone? Better question – how often has this been your reality? You may have been the tea spiller sharing some “juicy” news, the listener ready to sip the tea, or the tea itself. Regardless of your position in these conversations, there are ... View the Post
Girl, Get Your Life: 3 Ways to Get Organized in 2018
2018 IS HERE, GIRL! Like most people, you are probably recovering from the holidays and getting in gear for all that lies ahead for the year. Some are still vision boarding while others are putting the vision to work. Before we get deep into 2018, let me share 3 things you should consider to help you "get your life" and walk out of 2018 clutter free and organized. 1) Purge Your Space Friend, it's time to declutter that closet. I know we all love shoes, but do really you need 10 pairs of black ... View the Post