Often times we think our dreams are so big that we can’t accomplish them. They’re so big that they scare us. In pursuit of our dreams we become doubtful because we deem what we want to accomplish as impossible. Well, that’s not exactly the truth. They’re impossible to accomplish ONLY if you do it alone. The truth is that your dreams should be SO big that you can’t do them in your own strength.
If you can accomplish your dreams in your own strength, then, trust me, you’re dreaming too small!
God created you with a very distinct plan and purpose in mind. You cannot fulfill your God-given destiny without tapping into the One who created you. Stop thinking so small. Challenge yourself to think and dream big. Know that your dreams are possible with the strength of an all-powerful, all-knowing God.
So what’s the ONE thing you can’t fulfill your destiny without? PRAYER!
Pray hard.
You have to learn to pray hard for the things you’re believing God for. That means you should be unrelenting in your pursuit of what God desires for your life. Pray like you already know it’s going to happen and be unafraid to ask God for a big thing! John 14:13
Pray with bold, godly confidence knowing that God will give you whatsoever you ask in Jesus’ name.
Are you praying to God daily about the things that you put your hands to? Are you asking God for the things you can’t quite see manifesting currently? If not, what’s stopping you? God is all-powerful. There’s nothing good He’ll withhold from you if you’re walking upright before Him. Psalm 84:11 So ask away! Pray like you know it’s already answered, and praise Him in advance.
Purpose activity:
Journal a letter to God thanking him for everything you’re already believing Him for. Once you’re done with that letter, spend time in prayer thanking Him for what He will do in your life as if it’s already done.
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