There are specific seasons for everything in our lives. There is a season for life, a season for death. A season for great blessings, a season for loss. A season for sowing and better yet a season for reaping. I have learned that being content in all of these seasons strengthens my faith and belief in God. I have also learned that I have to be careful with whatever God gives me. I’ve learned that in order for blessings to blossom, I have to till my soil with purpose and here is how to do that.
Till Where Fruitful
At times it is hard for us to see past potential. This is with relationships, significant others, jobs, etc. We often see what the flesh wants us to see but not the Spirit. God will only manifest if you are tilling the soil where it is meant to be fruitful for you. Listen to what God is telling you by not wasting energy where the soil cannot be permeated.
Take Out the Weeds
If you have ever planted a garden you know that you have to take out the weeds in order for your seeds to sprout. If the weeds overrun your garden the seeds you planted can’t come to fruition. Cut out the nonbelievers, negative thoughts, unhealthy situations, or whatever it is barring you from sprouting.
Nurture your Garden
Just like plants need water, air, and sunshine for health so do humans, your garden must be nurtured with physical, mental, and spiritual health. You need water, air, food, sunshine, and other nutrients to keep going. Taking care of yourself even when it is hard to do so has to be done for your benefit.
Watch it Grow
Have patience. God can make things happen in one day or it may take a year for it to happen. Your faith that may even be as small as a mustard seed is directly correlated to the patience you have when God is working wonders in your life. Plant the seeds, nurture your garden and let God do his part. Mark 4:26-29 tells us the parable of the farmer. The farmer scatters his seeds night and day, the seeds sprout and grow, but he does not understand how it happens. This is God with the seeds of our lives. It comes in stages, not all at once. You may not understand how it works, you may not understand when it will come, but you understand that it WILL happen for you.
Keep tiling you soil with purpose!
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