In Part I, I told you about my best friend whom I love dearly. She has grown into such an incredible woman. She’s truly someone that I have come to admire, yet she has a weakness in her soul that keeps bringing her down. I discovered this weakness is actually a giant that bullies her around in her mind causing her to become oblivious to just how far she has come and all that God has given to her as a reward.
The name of her giant is comparison.
I hate watching my friend struggle so intensely in fighting battles of insecurity and rejection issues that I have already seen her master. As I prayed for her the other day, God showed me 3 open doors in her soul that need to be slammed shut because they are allowing this giant into her mind to literally steal the life that God has given her right out of her own understanding. My prayer is that you find yourself in the message and that you, too, will rise to close these same doors in your own soul. The comparison giant must be slayed!
Door # 1: Impatience with self
Door# 2: Concerning self with others’ opinions
Door #3: A lack of trust in the God within you
Door #1: Impatience with self
You are too hard on yourself. You have great ambitions and goals, but before you begin to reach relentlessly for them, your first responsibility is to understand that whatever you set out to accomplish will take time. Your goals are attainable and the vision God gave you is yours for the taking – but you must commit yourself to the process more than the outcome. This is where your power lies. It does great harm to compare yourself to others who have accomplished good things or appear to be on the verge of fulfilling their dreams as if you yourself are not on a specific journey designed by God. Your life is not your own! God has created you for a particular purpose and the process to get you to your promised destiny is also a part of that purpose. Trust the process and be patient with yourself by closing this door of impatience. Believe the journey is more rewarding than the destination!
Door# 2: Concerning self with others’ opinions
Listening to outside chatter will destroy you. Outside opinions will NEVER be satisfied. You will never fulfill someone else’s expectation of you. Once you attempt to prove yourself to someone, they’ll come back around with another judgment of you to provoke you to question your value again and again. Concerning yourself with the opinions of others is a trap! Why? Because you were never designed to become what people think of you or who they would like you to be. Your only assignment on earth is to discover who God created you be and to live and breathe for that original purpose alone. Resist the need for validation from the outside. If not, your mind will constantly be flooded with vain ambitions of what you could be when what you “could be” was never what God intended you to be anyway. Close the opinion door today!
Door #3: A lack of trust in the God within you
You know the way. God has already lead you this far. He lives in you! You really don’t need what someone else has to be fulfilled. All you need is the connection and trust with the greater one on the inside showing you how to become ALL that you are. Trust the God in you because your power to grow, express and experience freedom is present within. Stand and walk fully aware of the power of God that has awakened you to higher living, thinking and actions. Live from the greater one within you!
I hope you’ve found your source of power within to close these doors and slay this giant once and for all. You were created distinctly, for this very moment, to live free from the torment of the comparison giant.
Until we meet again, live authentically, sisters!
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