What is the vision God has given you to be carried out in the earth?
It’s a very layered question that in these few moments we’ll uncover. Vision can be simply defined as seeing what is to come. The unfortunate case for most people is that they are filled with desires but not vision. A desire is not the same thing as vision.
How many times have you attached yourself to something that had no connection to your future?
If we can break it down into simpler terms, it would go like this: vision is the structure of a home and my desires are the furnishings that I place within it. There are many people with furnishings but not a home to put them in because they lack vision. You can desire many things but what fits into where God is taking you?
God-inspired vision is intentionally attached with your purpose.
God never provides vision without purpose because He is a God of intention. His vision brings order into your life and begins to easily separate what is intended to go with me and what I need to leave behind.
What makes God-inspired vision even more powerful is that it is divinely set in place to transform the lives of others through the way that you see what you see.
It changes your perspective and improves how to do what you do. God-inspired vision transforms an environment into an atmosphere of freedom, creativity, and life-giving innovation.
God-inspired vision is created to last.
When God gives you a vision it’s not meant for just your lifetime. It’s meant to transcend generations. One of the markers of man-made vision is a vision that is limited in the ways that it will impact people. It’s too small. God-inspired vision should instantly position you to know that you can’t do it by yourself. When you know you can’t do it by yourself, this puts you in place to be enlarged for His glory.
A vision that you created with your own hands will keep you complacent because your mindset is based on your own resources, network, abilities, and more. When God gives you vision, He thinks about what He wants you to do no matter what you have or do not have. He isn’t concerned about your lack. God is concerned about your willingness to trust Him to go to another level.
Let’s look at our number one example, Jesus Christ.
When God sent Jesus to the earth, He had a gigantic vision. It was so big that even death could not stop it. You may think that your trials and circumstances are mounting up to cancel out the vision God placed in you. What if I told you that God-given vision can never be canceled by human hands? What if I told you that when God gives you vision, even the opposition works in your favor?
The Pharisees and the malicious men and women cheered on as He was sent to be tried and then later crucified. The religious sect thought that if He was killed then whatever Jesus was doing would be eradicated. Take note that God-inspired vision is not singular. It is meant for widespread impact. Small minded people think that if you remove one piece of the puzzle then the whole thing will come crashing down. That’s why when people talk down about you, they think that you will crumble because of mere words. What they don’t realize is that God-inspired vision is rooted in love.
“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” – 1 John 4:18
What they did not know was that despite their singular efforts to take down Jesus, His love for us was greater. It was because of His love that He died on that cross and brought transformation to all mankind. Gigantic vision is what God brought to the table. They thought that if they killed Jesus, it would end Him. It did nothing but bring Him closer to doing what He was called to do.
Love is at the core of the vision that God has placed within your heart.
Love is what will keep you moving forward without fear. That is the power of God-inspired vision. It brings hope to the brokenhearted and peace to the troubled soul. It brings freedom to those in bondage and joy to those who have sorrow. What God has set forth in motion in your life is nothing short but an amazing story in progress.
No matter what you’re facing, God is with you. He never leaves a vision that He has set in motion. You’ve been equipped to produce great and mighty things in the earth. What you’re working on and birthing is transforming and will transform people across the world.
You may not see it in the natural but vision is all about seeing it before you see it!
You have to see it first in your heart and then walk it out with your actions.
So let me ask you the same question that I encouraged you to ask somebody else:
What has God put in front of you to obtain?
Geneva Witcher-Miller says
Awesome article. Knowing that when I dream BIG that it is for a God given Vision. I won’t stop because I know he is for me and with me ?
Cherri'ka Burks says
Love it!!! ❤️