Let’s be honest. We’ve all been there. We see a portrayal of success on social media and we question our own lives. We hear good news about an old acquaintance and we begin to feel bad about ourselves. We feel like it should’ve been us. You wish it were you instead. How can you genuinely be happy watching someone else get what you’re still waiting on? The secret to being happy for others instead of jealous is to be encouraged that what God has for you is for you. You were created in His image ... View the Post
Evolving Through Elimination
“Evolving Involves Eliminating” – Erykah Badu In the past few years, I have eliminated a lot of relationships in my life. I am proud of myself for doing so. I once feared I could not survive without certain people, but now find myself thriving after letting them go. I used to be a much simpler person desperate for attention. Though fairly easy to come by and sometimes plentiful, attention is fleeting and shallow. Attention alone cannot sustain the deeper connection that healthy ... View the Post
Choose People Who Choose You
One of my favorite parts of being an adult is that I get to choose the people in my life. As a child, your parents set up play dates with their friends’ kids. If you had a birthday party, you had to invite everyone in your class. On Valentine’s Day, everyone gets a card. Of course we don’t choose the families we’re born into and we may not have hired all of the people we work with ourselves, but as adults, we have a say in who we spend our time with. From strangers to soulmates, God places all ... View the Post
“What’s wrong with wanting to be liked?” Purpose over Popularity
On the topic of popularity, I once heard someone ask “Well what’s wrong with wanting to be liked?” It can be regarded as quite a pathetic question, but it is undeniably a common one. In coming-of-age times, the new millennium encourages you to be yourself and not care what others think. It’s the perfect advice, but just a wee bit unrealistic if we take it literally. We live in this world with over 7 billion other people so if not family or friends, we’re forced to interact with coworkers or even ... View the Post
Dedication to My Ex [None]
I once heard a song called “Dedication to My Ex” and as someone who constantly reflects on past experiences, it always made me think. Much of my reflection is about romantic relationships, particularly those that didn’t end well. As an Artist myself I’ve often wondered if I would ever create something similar, but I have decided not to. I could write about how unfortunate it is things didn’t work out between us, how I wanted it to work. I might write how I much missed them…or how I didn’t ... View the Post
Breakups: Less Questions, More Acceptance
As the old song goes, “breaking up is hard to do”. Being the person who gets broken up with is even harder. The hardest. One of the most devaluing things I’ve ever experienced is to have someone tell me that after getting to know me, they’ve decided they no longer want to continue a relationship with me. The fundamental question is always something along the lines of “…but don’t you like what you see?” You immediately wonder why apparently you aren’t what they’re looking for. The next ... View the Post