Developing Strategic Alliances in business allows you to expand your network gaining exposure to people that you may not have encountered otherwise. They are individuals with your network that assist in bringing you a regular supply of potential customers. There are certain women I follow on social media and I was always intrigued by how they show up for one another, support one another, and use each other's services for events. They are not catty. They are women in Christ fulfilling their ... View the Post
Purpose as Your “Why”, Impact as Your “How”
Purpose is birthed after seeing, experiencing and desiring something that this world is currently lacking. What industry will you serve? Who will you serve? What problems are you solving? What's your why? How will you make an impact on this world? These are questions that must be answered when starting a brand and as your brand thrives. The answers to those questions will sustain you when you feel as though you want to give up. So many people pursue profit without ... View the Post
The Power of Collaboration
When building a brand it is essential that you don’t build it as a one-man island. Collaboration is defined as the process of two or more people or organizations working together to complete a task or achieve a goal. Collaborations are inspirational, educational and essential to building relationships. In the age of technology, it is so easy to get caught up in the need to compete or tear someone down, but it is inspiring to see women coming together for a cause bigger than themselves. It is ... View the Post