What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think about love? Most of the time when we think about love, we think romance, but I want to challenge you to think differently. Love starts with you and I believe it’s the key to unlocking your purpose.
So here are my 5 reasons why you should love you harder than anyone else can love you:
1. You are worth loving.
When you learn to love yourself, everything else in your world should come into alignment. Loving yourself requires self-reflection. It requires looking at yourself from a place of reality and acknowledging everything that you are. Loving yourself requires a little bit more than just recognizing the amazing woman you are. It requires self-acceptance. It requires accepting everything that you come with – flaws and all.
Loving yourself first means you’re telling yourself that you’re worth loving before anyone else has the opportunity to.
2. Loving yourself helps you embrace your truth.
In order to truly love yourself, you have to embrace your truth. Your truth should be celebrated. Why? You’re the only one that can be true to the essence of you. The process of acknowledging your truth requires that you accept yourself fully and you embrace it. That is the key to getting you closer to loving you, but you must first fully accept you.
Accepting yourself means that you won’t reject yourself. It means that you won’t reject the things about you that society (friends and family included) may reject. Loving yourself means taking yourself a step beyond self-acceptance. It means embracing every part of you. Loving yourself means rejoicing at your own truth.
3. It moves you past your mistakes.
Loving yourself harder than anyone else helps you to truly move beyond your mistakes. Sometimes it can be easy to feel like your mistakes are enough to make you unlovable. It can feel like our failures make us out to be less worthy of love.
The thing that I’ve realized over time is that the only human being that knows EVERY single one of my mistakes is me. I had to realize that I was the one that was keeping count of mistakes. While others may look at you and tally up all they know that you’ve done wrong, I want to remind you that you shouldn’t be playing the role of your own enemy!
You messed up. So what! Who cares? Keep moving forward and grow from your mistakes. Love yourself beyond your mistakes. Love yourself, and love HARD!
4. You can’t really give love if you don’t love yourself.
Loving yourself is first. Loving other people comes next. You can’t really give love if you don’t love yourself. Think about every person you have ever given your love to. Chances are, the love you gave was flawed. Think about what love looks like from someone who doesn’t truly love themselves. That’s a scary thought.
I challenge you to love yourself so much because once you do, you’re able to love more genuinely and more appropriately.
5. It presents the best YOU to the world.
The best you that you can offer the world is the you that is loved and accepted by you. When you love yourself, you can truly move forward in destiny without fear. When you love yourself, you can do everything else you do with love. Love should be the motivating factor behind the things that you do in life.
When you love yourself, you’re presenting the most amazing version of yourself to the world. That’s the you that this world needs to see. That’s the you that has the ability to leave a lasting impact in the world. That’s the you that you deserve to be.
Take some time to reflect on ways that you can love yourself more. Reflect on ways that you haven’t been as loving to yourself as you could be. Figure out what you’ll do to start loving yourself more. What can you do daily, weekly, or monthly to give yourself more of the love that you truly deserve?
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